Creating that Calm Ambience Throughout your Home...

Creating that Calm Ambience Throughout your Home...

After a stressful day, all we want is to come home and relax. There's always something comforting and calming about just lighting a candle. Candles have been scientifically proven to soothe us. The mesmerising and gentle quality of the light makes them the perfect addition to your relaxation routine. 

A candles flame can calm us down with its soft illumination and it's meditative feature. The warm light of the flame is comforting and creates a peaceful ambience around you.

When our brains process the low light that is emitted from the candle, our brain process this link between candles and a sense of calmness and our bodies start to relax both mentally and physically.

Even a lot of therapists use candles as a mechanism to help clients relax, the simple gentle flicker of candle helps ease and settle the mind and bring a sense of tranquility into the atmosphere.


Scented candles hold many benefits for us too. Certain smells of scented candles stimulates our limbic system, the part of our brain that is involved in our emotional responses.

By choosing a scent that we associate with relaxation or a scent that is renown for its calming properties such as certain aromatherapy scents.

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